Collisions of xenon (nf) Rydberg atoms with ammonia

F. G. Kellert, K. A. Smith, R. D. Rundel, F. B. Dunning, and R. F. Stebbings Space Physics and Astronomy Depanment. Rice University. Houston. Texas 77001 (Received 20 August 1979; accepted 23 October 1979)

In thermal collisions between Xe(nf) Rydberg atoms and NH3 collisional depopulation of the nf state occurs through at least three distinct mechanisms: n -changing collisions. I-changing collisions. and ionizing collisions. Using selective field ionization we have measured the total collisional depopulation rate constants kd for laser-excited Xe(nf) atoms in the n range of 22 to 39. The magnitudes of kd are large, corresponding to reaction cross sections comparable to the geometric size of the Xe(nf) atom at n – 22. In the n range of 25 to 40, Xe + ion production provides an absolute measure of the rate constants for collisional ionization. Approximate rate constants for n – and I-changing collisions are also presented for the 31f state. In these experiments we find that the state-changing collision rate constants are fairly independent of n and are determined largely by the I-changing collisions. The collisional ionization rate constants measured are smaller than the state-changing rate constants and increase with increasing n. ranging between 0.2 and 4.6 X 10- 7 cm3 /sec for n between 25 and 40. The present results are compared to those of recent theoretical calculations .•

EFS Comments: Speaks to exited state equilibrium effects.

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