Our Approach

A Novel Approach to Fusion

Electric Fusion Systems Inc.’s (EFS) LEEF technology employs a sophisticated fusion initiation mechanism characterized by electrical oscillation-induced Coulomb explosions and focused magnetohydrodynamic shockwaves. This innovative approach is key to achieving the necessary conditions for fusion within the Heavy Rydberg Matter (HRM) fuel:

Electrical Oscillation-Induced Coulomb Explosion

Electrical Oscillations: The LEEF reactor generates electrical oscillations through a precisely controlled power system, creating rapid fluctuations in the electric field. This energizes the HRM, setting the stage for the fusion process.

Coulomb Explosion: The intense electric fields from these oscillations lead to Coulomb explosions, where the repulsive forces between charged particles in the HRM are momentarily overcome, resulting in rapid expansion and ionization of the fuel. This process creates a plasma state with high density and energy, ideal for initiating fusion reactions.

Focused Magnetohydrodynamic Shockwaves

Shockwave Generation: Alongside electrical oscillations, the LEEF reactor propagates focused magnetohydrodynamic shockwaves through the plasma. These waves, carrying both magnetic and sonic (pressure) components, compress and heat the plasma, further enhancing the conditions for fusion.

Fusion Conditions Enhancement: The focused nature of these shockwaves precisely directs energy to compress the plasma and align ions, optimizing the environment for effective fusion interactions.

Efficient, Safe, and Sustainable Power

Synergy in Fusion Initiation

Integrated Approach: The combination of electrical oscillation-induced Coulomb explosions with focused magnetohydrodynamic shockwave’s provides a unique and controlled method for initiating fusion. This integrated approach ensures the HRM plasma reaches the necessary high-density and high-temperature conditions for fusion in a localized and controlled manner.

Reproducibility and Control: The precise control over electrical oscillations and shockwave propagation allows for consistent initiation of fusion reactions, critical for the LEEF reactor’s continuous operation and stable energy production.

Operational Advantages

Efficiency and Safety: This method of initiating fusion maximizes the efficiency of energy conversion from input to plasma conducive to fusion, while maintaining safety through controlled and localized reactions.

Scalability and Application Flexibility: The initiation mechanism’s inherent scalability and adaptability make it suitable for a wide range of reactor sizes and energy applications. Precise control over the fusion initiation process enhances the LEEF technology’s versatility across different operational scenarios.

Incorporating electrical oscillation-induced Coulomb explosions and focused magnetohydrodynamic shockwaves into the fusion initiation process, EFS’s LEEF technology establishes optimal conditions for fusion within HRM fuel. This innovative approach underscores LEEF’s potential to advance fusion energy, offering a path toward efficient, safe, and sustainable power generation.

Our Fusion Fuel is the Key Ingredient​

In short, lithium-ammonia has weird properties. Remarkably, in going from a dilute to a concentrated regime, the overall density of the fuel is found to decrease by about 30% by changing its molecular bonding into a tight tetrahedral structure. It also exhibits electron tunneling that lowers the coulomb barrier. Finally, the valence electrons of Li(NH3)4 are in a Rydberg-like state where the odd electron is at a higher quantum number (orbital) whose main density lies quite far outside the hydrogen atoms on ammonia. 

A New Direction

Electric Fusion’s technology is a different approach to fusion. Our designs are cyclical, using a conductive metallic dense fuel, external alpha sources to catalyze the fusion process, and finally electric current to push massive amounts of electrons through the fuel to ensure fusion. This is possible because of the conductivity of the fuel-plasma, its Rydberg like atoms and the electron screening that lowers the coulomb barrier to improve fusion probabilities. 

In our roller-bag sized electric fusion generator, delivering kilowatts we use the above fuel and process in a sealed cartridge with a specialized switching power supply that controls the rate of fusion reactions and power output level. You might think of it as an electrical transformer, but instead of an iron core it has a fusion driven plasma core electrical transformer. 

What’s important to know about Rydberg atoms are their peculiar properties including an exaggerated response to electric and magnetic fields all of which helps our fusion design approach.