Our Mission

What Problems is the EFS Mission Addressing?

Clean Energy

Climate Action

Cost of Living

Food & Water

Our mission at EFS is to transform civilization with limitless clean sustainable energy, that is so low-cost that it canablizes all forms of energy. This will ultimately solve climate change, lower the cost of living, food, and eliminate water shortages. Each of these problems or opportunities is multifaceted and will experience perhaps cataclysmic changes before transformation and then a positive long-term outlook from Electric Fusion’s technology.

We realize these are ambitious statements, and that true realization will take many strategic licensed partners with expertise in key industries, markets, and countries. Transformation so potentially disruptive can really occur only with trusted relationships to guide people, countries, and industries forward. We believe the advancements in fusion energy will play a major role in reaching global energy breakthrough.

The goal of affordable, limitless, clean and safe fusion power is achievable and the power of the sun can come to planet earth uplifting all humanity ultimately to the stars.